清代康熙十二年,平西王吴三桂藩镇云贵两省,厉兵秣马、拥兵聚众,要谋反叛离清廷,康熙颁下御旨招吴三桂进京,特派钦差大臣南下昆明来到了平西王府…… 云南美丽的大理城下,正当白族百姓们在崇圣三塔下欢歌笑语的时候,吴三桂手下的一群官兵不由分说地开始抓捕壮丁,在白衣少侠和面挂朱纱侠女的帮助下,官兵们识趣地退将下去。从此,白剑青和宁宁结下了不解之缘……宁宁武功超群、神出鬼没,跟随白剑青同官兵角斗大闹草寇山寨,劫牢狱救白剑青脱险,还双双面见了陈园园……白剑青钟情不明身份的女侠宁宁,苍山洱海边,二人结下了一段三米影视为您提供在线M3U8奇情侠侣在线观看(HD),喜欢的话,不要忘记收藏本站网址哦!
Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family that has taken her in.